Larry Ryan Tenda, M.Ak., CPA., CMA

Larry Ryan Tenda, M.Ak., CPA., CMA

Program Studi Akuntansi



Jenjang Jabatan Akademik

Bidang Ilmu-

Kepemimpinan Publik


Keikutsertaan Asosiasi Profesi



  • Certified Professional Accountant
  • Certified Management Accountant
  • Doctor in Accounting (Currently on progress) Universitas Indonesia
  • Master in Accounting (September 8, 2012) Universitas Indonesia, Major in Internal Audit and Management Accounting
  • Pendidikan Profesi Akuntan (February 18, 2012) Universitas Indonesia
  • Brevet AB (October 19, 2011) Pelatihan Pajak TaxSys Prima Mandiri
  • Bachelor of Science in Accounting (December 21, 2008) Universitas Klabat, Manado, Magna Cum Laude, Consistent on the Dean’s List
  • High School: Dana Hills High School, Dana Point, CA, USA; Consistent on the Principal’s Outstanding List
Pengalaman Kerja
Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publikasi Ilmiah
  1. Senior Auditor KAP Sahat Handoko dan Rekan (2012 – Sekarang)
  2. Lecturer and STIE Tri Bhakti (2011 – Sekarang)

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